The Ruler

AKA The Leader, The Aristocrat, The Queen, The Upper Class

“You are capable of more than you think.”



The Ruler

AKA The Leader, The Aristocrat, The Queen, The Upper Class

"You are capable of more than you think."



You make people feel









Create a prosperous, successful community.


Grow authority and influence. Create wealth and prosperity. Be selective. Live the lifestyle you want. Lead by example.


Chaos. Being overthrown. Losing influence and control.


Create a prosperous, successful community.


Grow authority and influence. Create wealth and prosperity. Be selective. Live the lifestyle you want. Lead by example.


Chaos. Being overthrown. Losing influence and control.


  • Responsibility
  • Leadership
  • Achievement
  • Ambition
  • Excellence
  • Prosperity
  • Order
  • Stability
  • Efficiency
  • Confidence
  • Respect
  • Benevolence
  • Credibility 
  • Influence
  • Significance
  • Sophistication
  • Poise
  • Loyalty


  • Being authoritarian, unable to delegate
  • Unable to connect with the audience at their own level, being too far removed
  • Appearing elite, arrogant, guarded
  • Valuing success above family, health, ethics, love
  • Not accepting your own flaws
  • Perfectionism
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Setting unachievable goals which can lead to depression and anxiety
  • Needing external validation
  • Feeling entitled
  • Being greedy
  • Being corruptible

If your dreams don't scare you, you're not thinking big enough.

  • Are most likely Creators, Sages, Innocents, Magicians and Caregivers. Explorers and Outlaws may feel too confined in your presence, but may gravitate towards you because they lack what you have: structure and prestige
  • Are seeking someone with a bigger vision to help them think big and expand
  • Want to influence more people and feel in control
  • Want to invest in a product or service that will elevate their status 
  • Want to break through limiting beliefs and get rid of scarcity mindset
  • Want to bring more order into their lives or their business 
  • Feel uncertain and overwhelmed
  • Need to feel significant and special
  • Appreciate or want to acquire style/ good taste and want to be around someone who can inspire or teach/ create that in their lives or business
  • Need someone to model and look up to, someone who has extraordinary talent, vision and results they want

Embody your brand

  • Know that you protect the world from chaos, your people need you! 
  • Be strong in your leadership, don’t shy away from it 
  • Be consistent, to give your tribe a sense of security and stability
  • Inspire your tribe to believe that they can excel with the right strategies
  • Prioritize quality over quantity
  • Always be on time and display good manners
  • Be well connected
  • Associate your brand with other famous/ elite brands or personalities
  • Belong to or create prestigious groups/ societies
  • Create clear policies and procedures 
  • Maintain a sense of order so your members feel safe and taken care of
  • Be very clear that YOU make the rules and as long as they follow them they will succeed
  • Show up in service, explain how maintaining order and clarity is in everyone’s best interest
  • Lead by example, model what's possible
  • Build a resource library of credible sources you can share with your tribe whenever needed - best products, best services, best events to attend
  • Be articulate, formal/ semi-formal/ professional
  • Seek to be well informed
  • Speak about your mission: you want to leave a legacy
  • Post about your lifestyle as a way to inspire in your people what’s possible
  • Post about how you hold yourself to high standards - your goal setting process, your daily practices, how you show up in your communication with others
  • Speak about your loyalty and commitment to your dreams and ideas, and demand the same from your clients
  • Talk about what makes you best at what you do: your achievements, your training, your life experiences
  • Tell your hero’s journey focusing on where you started and where you are now, not so much on the in-between pain points
  • Avoid expressing too much self-doubt and being self-deprecating, it can make your tribe feel fearful
  • Talk about your weaknesses sparingly, this will make you believable and likable
  • Don’t apologize for your success and wealth
  • Take responsibility for your actions and your mistakes
  • Take care of your needs in your personal relationships. Leaders are not always liked, and they can develop a tough exterior which can harden their heart. Nurture yourself with people who like and accept you when your leader hat is off.
  • Choose your mentors wisely, it tends to be lonely at the top, and jealous people make poor mentors 
  • Get used to jealousy, it comes naturally with the power and success you’ve worked so hard to build

Have a touch of luxury in most of your offers

Good titles to use for yourself: authority, expert, executive, director, CEO

Good words to use on your site: join, select, reserve, premium, elite, association, earn, the top

Include in your design: diamond, gems, metallic and gold accents, intricate patterns

Use a lot of white space and minimalist design in your graphics - with subtle color schemes 

Use power poses in your photos, and take them in beautiful locations 

Wear luxury/ fancy/ sleek/ professional/ well put together clothes

Invest in high-end, professional photography and graphics

  • Have very clear systems in place that work consistently, give your people proven models to follow 
  • Pay great attention to details, from your embarking process, to social media posts
  • Price your products and services moderate to high
  • Create an “inner circle” or exclusive community
  • Value your time and limit people’s access to you unless they are part of your inner circle or high-end programs
  • If possible, do not make free offers and do not run sales
  • Set your business model to focus on scaling, growing your influence and impact, leaving a legacy, and accumulating the necessary financial abundance to support that


Adelaide, Queen of Pacifica
Miranda Priestly, The Devil Wears Prada
Jennifer Lopez
Duchess Kate
Khaleesi, Game of Thrones
Jacqueline Kennedy


Mercedes Benz
Louis Vuitton
Stella Artois

A personal note from Alina:

The Ruler archetype is the second archetype of my brand and the one that inspires my sense of style. Therefore, it gets some extra air time and an extended page. 

I never thought my humble Magician and my upper class Ruler would ever make friends, but they have. I am very happy to share with you the qualities of this majestic archetype, because I want you to feel fully comfortable embodying it when others may disapprove of your ways. You have great power and ability to hold space, and your tribe needs you. 

Rulers come in many shapes and forms. You don't need to be extra rich or wear designer clothes and diamonds to be a Ruler. A Ruler is a leader, a visionary, a big thinker. Someone who sets high standards and leads by example. The more you discover the ways in which you empower all of those around you through your natural gifts, the more powerful and valued you will be.

Want to see how archetypes show up on branded websites? Watch my Brand Archetypes Training.